Wednesday 1 December 2010

Introduction to advertising

- What is the purpose of advertising? To persuade the viewers to buy the product, they use eye catching colours and pictures to capture the viewer’s attention. They also use big interesting words when describing their product.

- Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
Trailers – I wanted a trailer about ‘’the last Exorcism’’. The sound effects and graphics caught my attention they used words that made me want to actually go and watch the film.

Rimmel London mascara – the advert had a model who used their mascara. They showed how long and how much volume her lashes had after using the product, this caused me to want to go out and buy it.

- Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?
The iPad – the background music for the advert was catchy, this made me sing along with the advert, it also shows so many things you can do with the iPad which caused me to want me to purchase the product.

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